Sections I and II Available Now!

Sections I and II of the novel The One-Way Rejuvenation of Allowishus Scrimshaw are now available online. Chapters 1 through 34 have been edited hastily so as to preserve the integrity of the 3-Day Novel Contest. Some clarity has been added to muddled text, but 99% of the novel has remained untouched. Enjoy it, warts and all.
Section I - entitled "My Cheese, My Digestion" - introduces you to the beast that is Allowishus Scrimshaw.
Section II - "Rennet" - drafts the difficulties Allowishus Scrimshaw must face.
Lots of curse words, name-calling, cheese eating, God-condemning behavior, and wine guzzling will ensue. Click HERE or on the link labeled Allowishus: The Novel to your right to be whisked away to a land of depravity and debauchery. And it only gets funnier.
See what all the hype is about! Allowishus was shortlisted as an Honorable Mention by the editors of the International 3-Day Novel Contest.
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