Rome Wasn't Built in a Day...
But Maybe a Novel Can Be Written in Three.

Rumor has it Kerouac wrote On the Road so rapidly he had to tape sheets of typewriter paper together write uninterruptedly. Thankfully, in the digital age, we no longer have to worry about this problem.
A friend and I, let's call her L, have decided to participate in the International 3-Day Novel Contest. In short, the contest commences at 12:01 a.m. Sep. 3 and ends at midnight Sep. 5. The goal, in this 72 hour window of opportunity, is to create and entire novel. It sounds interesting enough, but can it be done without losing one's mind?
According to the website, hundreds daring writers complete the contest every year, sending in manuscripts anywhere between 90 and 150 pages. L and I have decided upon quirky premise, almost the lead-in to a really bad joke, and we will take turns writing chapters. Madness will ensue, in the novel and in real life as well. It's going to be intense.
"Gasp," you eek. "Forsooth thee jest, for to endeavor to pen a literary work in three days is to wag one's tongue at civility."
"Shut up," I say. "And stop talking like Lord Byron."
Do I anticipate that this project will yield an unparalleled literary masterpiece? Of course not, but the very hubristic notion of creating an entire novel in three days is a feat I can't not attempt. If nothing else, it will be an amazing exercise.
If anyone else is interested, HURRY UP! Registration forms must be postmarked by September 2, so you still have time.
While you're busy eating hot dogs and slurping beer at your Labor Day Picnic this weekend, remember me, and remember that I'm probably wallowing in a pool of my own filth, pulling out my hair, quaffing coffee, banging my head against the wall, depriving myself of sleep, and trying not to crack under the pressure.
Stay tuned, if I ever want to look at my computer again after this weekend, I'll post a blog about the results of this cruel, cruel experiment.

Rumor has it Kerouac wrote On the Road so rapidly he had to tape sheets of typewriter paper together write uninterruptedly. Thankfully, in the digital age, we no longer have to worry about this problem.
A friend and I, let's call her L, have decided to participate in the International 3-Day Novel Contest. In short, the contest commences at 12:01 a.m. Sep. 3 and ends at midnight Sep. 5. The goal, in this 72 hour window of opportunity, is to create and entire novel. It sounds interesting enough, but can it be done without losing one's mind?
According to the website, hundreds daring writers complete the contest every year, sending in manuscripts anywhere between 90 and 150 pages. L and I have decided upon quirky premise, almost the lead-in to a really bad joke, and we will take turns writing chapters. Madness will ensue, in the novel and in real life as well. It's going to be intense.
"Gasp," you eek. "Forsooth thee jest, for to endeavor to pen a literary work in three days is to wag one's tongue at civility."
"Shut up," I say. "And stop talking like Lord Byron."
Do I anticipate that this project will yield an unparalleled literary masterpiece? Of course not, but the very hubristic notion of creating an entire novel in three days is a feat I can't not attempt. If nothing else, it will be an amazing exercise.
If anyone else is interested, HURRY UP! Registration forms must be postmarked by September 2, so you still have time.
While you're busy eating hot dogs and slurping beer at your Labor Day Picnic this weekend, remember me, and remember that I'm probably wallowing in a pool of my own filth, pulling out my hair, quaffing coffee, banging my head against the wall, depriving myself of sleep, and trying not to crack under the pressure.
Stay tuned, if I ever want to look at my computer again after this weekend, I'll post a blog about the results of this cruel, cruel experiment.
kerouac did it all hopped up on benzedrine...
are you willing to be that hard core?
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