Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Beast of Modernity

Photo Caption:I hate this guy, and now I'm him.

I feel inclined to talk about my upcoming grad school applications, although I'm sure that's not really of interest to anybody. So I won't.

Instead, I'll talk about how I am currently in a state of cognitive dissonance with myself. No, I did not commit a hit and run or steal a little old lady's purse (although I might be headed in that direction), I bought a cell phone. I feel dirty.

There was a time when I went an entire year without a phone of any kind. When I was living in Spain, and even after I came back, I didn't see the need for one. I thought, and still think, cell phones a curse that's finally catching up to us. I've been told Nostradamus predicted them at some point and I think he's referring to cell phones when he talks about a "demonic presence that screams in the middle of 'My Best Friend's Wedding' and distracts us from crucial plot developments of the eleventh hour of our finality." He was either speaking of cell phones or infants, experts are still investigating.

So, alas, I am now nearly caught up with the rest of the technological world. Computers I was happy to use, microwaves, radios, DVD players-all great. But cell phones, I don't know, they seem like mechanical leeches.

The Amish sent me a letter the other day expressing their strong disapproval. I tried to call them to apologize, but all I got was a busy signal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA now you are one of us. I suspect that I am speed dial number 2. If not I will shortly proceed to kill you. You have been warned. :)

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hush up and dial.

5:01 PM  
Blogger touristamateur said...

you can always turn the ringer off.

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wouldn't that be "The Beast of Post-Modernity"?

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post-Modernity? Now here's somebody that went to school way too long. Modernity. Post-Modernity. Damn. It's a cell phone!!!

2:53 PM  

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