Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Donya's blog

In case any of you are interested in what demented masochist would date me, Donya - my girlfriend and so much more - has her own blog It's
  • Walking Puzzle
  • Donya's going to be attending Vanderbilt this fall. Today is our six month anniversary. Yippee hooray.


    Blogger touristamateur said...

    Welcome to the blogosphere, e. Hope things are well, jugding by the digs you call images, you might want to seek out an orthodontist. That, or get your bloody foot out of your mouth. Whichever comes first and foremost.

    8:33 PM  
    Blogger touristamateur said...

    By the way, you might want to check your link to my site. It's missing the "m" in .com.

    End Transmission

    8:36 PM  

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