Howerton Hears the Who!

Roger: "Bollocks."
Keith: "No, no. S'real. I've...urp...heard of 'at one. S'bloody five, ainit?"
Roger: "No, Keith. Five comes after four."
Pete: "Those bloody Kinks bested us again!"
John: "Fuckin' slag Ray Davies."
Keith: "John, be a dear and pour me a pint of gin in a thimble, wontcha? Ta."

Pete: "If I'm not yet Jesus I someday will be. All I need now's a dozen apostles. No. A baker's dozen. One up the old Hebrew."

Keith: "Alright, my lovely. I'll be the butcher and you'll be...the butcher's mother!"

Roger: "I can see for kilometers and kilometers. I can see for kilometers and kilometers. Hey, Pete. Are you sure about these lyrics? Feel a bit cumbersome."

John: "When Y2K hits the Who will be ready to rock! We've also stocked up on space ice cream and bottled water."
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